Sacred Heart Star of the Seas Under Construction

G’Day Mates!

I had my tool belt on this morning helping build the Star of the Seas! We glued the GPS unit to the underside of the hatch lid with its solar panel showing through a little window. We also glued in the mast. Whew! Epoxy is sticky stuff. It takes its time to set up – we’ll let it cure overnight.

Mrs Williams securing the mast

Mrs Williams securing the mast

Slackjaw Sally photo-bombs final preparations

Slackjaw Sally photo-bombs final preparations

Tomorrow, we’ll turn on the GPS and seal the hatch. Students at Sacred Heart School in Kingston, Massachusetts built this little boat from a kit and sent it out with us. It’ll sit out on deck until we get to an auspicious place to set it free. We’ll launch it NE of Marion Island and watch its progress at to see where the ocean and the winds take it.



Mike photo-bombs Slackjaw’s photo-bomb

Mike photo-bombs Slackjaw’s photo-bomb